Black Children’s Book Week

Get excited for the inaugural celebration of Black Children's Book Week (BCBW)! This year, the celebration will take place February 27 - March 5. From now on, BCBW will be observed during the last week of February. This timely initiative is hosted by Black Baby Books and a committee of five change agents (myself included) who are dedicated to empowering Black youth through literacy and media programming. Groups and organizations from all over the world are encouraged to participate by executing their own events during the week. As Levi&Toonk supports gifted children of color, it was a no-brainer that we get involved! Catch that irony?! ;)

In preparing for our own sessions, we wanted to ensure that we created space for our unique demographic. Our muse, Levi, was the catalyst considering his aptitude for giftedness.

By the age of 4, Levi already knew the following:
- our home address
- our cell phone numbers
- how to do simple math in his head
- a little bit of Spanish
- primary, secondary, and tertiary colors
- shapes like a rhombus, cube, diamond, etc.
- how to count syllables
- scientific, automotive, and proper anatomical terms
- how to spell and write his name (along with his late brother’s)
- how to use the microwave
- how to control his dad's PS4 system to play games and watch his favorite shows
- how to act and take direction while on set
- how to tell imaginative stories and speak in complete sentences with elevated vocabulary
- how to have empathy and show compassion for people
.... and a host of other traits

Levi is a prime example of what can happen when we cultivate and celebrate the interests and intelligence of our children. There is no limit to what they can learn and do! Join us for BCBW and spread the word :)

Briantria Smocks, M.Ed.

I am a gifted education consultant with expertise in direct instruction, maximizing teams, lesson planning, and curriculum development.

ABC'S Abbott Elementary = Prime Toonkster TV


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